Coaching Courses
A variety of bespoke Coaching both Online and ‘Live’ (In Person) trainings to ensure you make that change you desire and move forward. Check them out now.

World Record Mindset Programme
This online bespoke business coaching developed specifically for women entrepreneurs, reveals the process to being a winner in your industry. I’ll be showing you my Mindset Secrets, the proven world record methods I have used to achieve success, and with these how YOU can explode your business and much more.

Winner's Mindset in Business
So, you have achieved success in your business yet finding it hard to stay on track and needing help to continue focusing on your goals? The Winner’s Mindset in Business twelve-month training programme continues taking you to the next level. You receive constant help, support and motivation from the Team with monthly 1-1 business coaching from Julie. As an ‘A Player’ in your industry you get to share tips with other successful, like-minded entrepreneurs. Imagine the results you will get in a year!

Business Brain
The ‘Business Brain’ course enables you to understand how you think in your own business. Just imagine that, being able to see into your mind, like an X Ray machine. With this training, you get access to the world’s only online tool that allows you to do this. I used this to improve my performance in business in many ways, and now you can, too.

Swim Coaching
I know how you are feeling. You have either just started out in your swimming career or wanting to progress with more challenges and to improve performance, right? Like you, I felt like that many years ago; I wasn’t sure where to start! NOW, having been there, done that, I learnt what to do. And now you can. Whether you swim in a pool or openwater, there is something for you…