Cheque Presentation for Rainbows Children’s Hospice November 2014

After her record breaking International 10 Way Windermere Relay swim in August 2014, Dr. Julie Bradshaw MBE came in to present a cheque to Rainbows for £5543 although the final total she and her team have raised from the swim...
Julie Appears In The Media For World Record Relay Swim

Dr. Julie ‘Madfish’ Bradshaw and her swimmers attempted to become the first team in the world to achieve 14 lengths of England’s largest lake to raise money for Rainbows Children’s Hospice and in memory of Julie’s friend, Susan Taylor. Below...
Julie’s Swim PR Spring to Summer 2013

The Spring of 2013 saw a few articles featuring myself both in the UK and abroad. In Italy, the ‘Speak Up’ magazine online and in print article featured interesting information on pages one,two and three about myself and my roles...